
All clinicians at Peltz and Associates Physical Therapy Inc are highly skilled at delivering the best treatment possible. Each clinician will utilize the latest techniques in manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and functional training to maximize your potential for improvement.
Although all our physical therapists are able to manage and/or treat all neuromusculoskeletal conditions, we pride ourselves on the following services:
- Treatment of Low Back, Mid Back, and Neck Pain
- Treatment for Pain Radiating into Your Arms or Legs
- Treatment of All Shoulder, Elbow, and Hand Pain
- Treatment of All Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain
- Treatment of All Muscle Pain
- Pre-Surgical Preparation
- Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation from Sports Injuries
- Arthritis Pain Relief
- Rehabilitation from Auto Injuries/Whiplash
Other specialty services include:
- Treatment for Headaches
- Fall Prevention
- Dizziness/Vertigo Relief
- TMJ Treatment
- Balance/Fall Prevention
- Wellness Programs
- Fitness Programs
- Lymphedema
When it comes to your health you should have the best treatment, performed by the most competent and professional clinicians possible. Peltz and Associates Inc has worked hard to ensure that we can live up to those expectations.
Please contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about physical therapy or the services we provide.